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Feedback on BuyCoinFast

  • ~$500 transaction. 10 calendar days via Zelle. User also tried to change to less secure payment methods.. BuyCoin"Fast"... you be the judge on that.

  • Only person I trust on this market. Follow the rules and you'll be fine.


  • Great seller

  • It took him 10 days to send a simple amazon voucher. If someone expects you to FE I would expect a quicker and better service. I received a working voucher although it was very late.

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Inspired by Agoradesk.com

This project was inspired by Agoradesk.com (agoradesk-app-foss).
While the codebase has been entirely rewritten, certain text elements and CSS styles were adapted from the original work. We appreciate the contributions of the original authors and the open-source community that made this project possible.