Buy Monero using Other online payment: Pay & Current Pay with USD
226.54 USD
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Please note, the actual XMR amount of the trade may slightly differ from the currently shown amount due to price, service fee and exchange rate fluctuations.
Network transaction fees associated with settling the trade will be deducted from the trade amount, meaning you'll receive slightly less than the amount shown.
Terms of trade with Adv3ntur0us
By clicking, “Open Trade Request” You the “Buyer” or “User”, agree to the term stated below. Breaking, or violating the terms will result in a dispute, and your account may be warned or permanently banned.
Cryptocurrency or other stocks, bonds, etc are risky investments as the market is very volatile. I nor the website endorse investing in it, as we do not give financial advice.
You, the user are the legal minimum age to invest or buy cryptocurrency depending on country, state, or county.
Any form of payment reversal after finalizing the trade is strictly prohibited, as it will result in the account being permanently banned, suspended, or warned.
We do not store, use, or sell any of your information to third-party use, and will not collect any form of identity verification or known as KYC. KYC will never be mandatory unless the payment method explicitly states the required use of KYC verification such as a Driver's License, or any other form of Identification document.
Any form of trade, payment method, receiving address, or any messages must be completed inside the designated website where you have opened the trade. Questions can be sent via third-party messengers such as Telegram or Whatsapp. If you trade outside of the designated website, it might result in a loss of coins or payment. And we will not be responsible.
By selling cryptocurrency, you are legally required to file the cryptocurrency as bought/sold, as we are not tax advisors, you will have to consult with your tax or financial advisor*** for further information.
Terms can be changed or edited throughout the future, so you have to pay attention to any changes and comply with them.
Stay safe, and vigilant against scammers, fraud, or any form of mischievous or rule-breaking activity.
Note - These websites are not regulated by your country’s regulators so if the website shuts down, or the funds get stolen. It is not possible to be retrieved. (Regulators can be the FDIC or the FED for the US)
You will have to read and agree to the terms of condition from your payment method as it might contain informative information.
Certain Payment method have fees or holds implemented via sending/receiving*. You, the buyer/seller will be responsible for all of the fees in this trade.
Only (Not Limited To) Cash App Payments will require a Web Receipt** when sending and should be sent as soon as the payment is sent. This is to ensure the payment isn't fraud
For Gift Card Orders, I resell them on websites like and will require you to NOT Redeem the card, and wait for the time it is sold, and such. This will make sure I receive genuine Gift Cards and if it was already redeemed, you forfeit the right to receive a refund without enough evidence to back up your claims.
For Gift Card Orders, certain gift cards might require it to be redeemed in person at a store or such. If that happens, I retain the right to dispute & cancel trade, unless you can prove I already used the gift card.
- Payments such as PayPal Goods & Service ** Cash App Web Receipt indicates whether it was sent from a Debit/Credit Card or Cash Balance *** Taxes for Cryptocurrency
This trade is protected by an arbitration bond
- Read the ad, and check the terms.
- Propose a meeting place and contact time, if physical cash is traded.
- Watch for fraudsters! Check the profile feedback, and take extra caution with recently created accounts.
- Note that rounding and price fluctuations might change the final Monero amount. The Monero amount is calculated based on the trade currency amount you've entered.
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This project was inspired by (agoradesk-app-foss).
While the codebase has been entirely rewritten, certain text elements and CSS styles were adapted from the original work. We appreciate the contributions of the original authors and the open-source community that made this project possible.